Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Years Words.

Here is to hoping this year we all learn to be a little bit more mature, a little bit kinder, and a little bit more patient.

Here is to all of us being a little less selfish and a little more selfless.

Here is to the year we learn to be thankful for what we have, and stop coveting that which we do not need.

Here is to my wish for a year filled with tolerance, acceptance, and equality.

This is my dearest wish, that we all of us can learn to be more honest, more faithful, more loyal and more loving.

My dream is for all of us to look into the future and make choices that will help us all, not hinder any single group.

Here is to friends being people you can depend on, family being people you look to be around, and loves that lift you up, not drag you down.

Here is to serenity for the soul, peace of mind, and joy for us all.

Here is to children being allowed to be children, adults being adults, and humans being humane in all their dealings with the world, other people, children and animals.

This last year has taught me to be thankful for all that have, from a place to live, people to share my life with, a family that I am being closer to in spirit, an a love that is growing ever stronger.

I have learned that it is good and healthful to set boundaries, and that it means only that I have matured to defend them. I have learned to be gracious in my dealings with people who have wronged me, I have learned to be more forgiving of those small slights that come from people's individual growth. I have learned to appreciate myself for all that I am, in all my glorious being.

I have learned to value myself and to demand that I be treated with respect by the people in my life, and how to stand up for myself when I am not given what I need. I have learned how to find respect for others that is true and honest and deeply rooted. I have learned to love my body, with all it's flaws and scars. I learned to love my mind, with all it's scars and flaws as well.

This year I hope to see a change in the world for the better.

So here is to you, to see you grow into a better version of yourself, here is to seeing you attain happiness and strength and honor.

Here is to the revival of the important parts of chivalry. To honor, and integrity, of justice and morality, of faith in humanity, and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Here is to courtesy, and honesty, to loyalty and love, to laughter and sweetness, here is to everything that is good about this world and watching it prevail this year, and every year yet to come.

And here is to you helping change this world, yourself, and all that you touch for the better.

Here is to being the change we want to see in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful that your beautiful being is part of my life, Ana.
