Oh the irony. So May is BPD awareness month. May is also my birth month. I do have some tiny amusement over this.
Anyway, right now I'm working on getting people in my life to help me end the stigma. I'm trying to figure out who all will buy a bracelet, and then once everyone numbers in, I'm going to order bracelets.
I can't find premade ones anywhere anymore, so now I'm going to do it myself.
After all, this is my life. I don't really have a choice in it and I know it's had a negative impact on the people in my life. So maybe if we can all raise awareness then perhaps we can end the stigma, end the fear, and bring about more healing.
Education, I think, is the best way to spread compassion and understanding.
How can I expect people to know and understand me and my issues if I don't do the work to get it out there?
I guess that is my biggest thing. No one is going to know what's what if I don't get the tools for them to learn.
I mean, sure, in an ideal world if you hear someone you love has an issue you'd go out and learn everything you can and become the biggest advocate EVER.
But I'm not an idealist. I know better. I know people have their own issues as well. So if I want them to know, to understand, then I gotta give them the building blocks to do something about it.
So here I am.
Working on those building blocks, working on spreading understanding, compassion, knowledge and ending the stigma.
I want the next girl or boy like me to not have to explain to everyone what BPD is, I want therapists to not be afraid of revealing the diagnosis, I want BPD to have the same reach as Bipolar. So that when a BPDer gets into a relationship and admits to their illness, they don't have to deal with the same shame and humiliation I had to when the only reaction I got was a blank face.
I want there to at least be a passing recognition.
Because this isn't going away.
We have to do something about it.
So here I am...and I hope you'll be here with me too.
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